Thursday, August 8, 2013

Love to Fight.

August is here! I can hardly believe it. This immediately sends a rush of emotion (a fun little mixture of excitement and nerves) because this means I only have one month until a new chapter begins. In less than one short month from today, Lord willing, I will be settled into my new home of Austin, TX. As I am pressing toward this goal, I thought I'd give you a few updates...

- I moved out of my house in College Station and graduate in a week. Gone are the college days!
- I received news that housing will be provided by Austin Stone. HUGE blessing to the budget and answer to prayer!
- I am continuing to press into the Lord in this process of support, as I know He will be faithful to provide for this next year.

Partnership updates: 
Goal: about $1,400/month
Progress: 43% raised

Still needed: 
80% support pledged/raised by August 22th 

Monthly pledges and special one-time gifts are greatly appreciated before that date.
If you have any questions about partnering with me, please feel free to contact me.

Journey updates:
     This past month or so has been far from easy. Right about the time I accepted the offer to work at the Austin Stone, I was having lunch with a dear mentor and friend who has worked in ministry for some time. Some her first words of wisdom and advice were, "You have to love to fight." I didn't have a clue what she meant.
     Slowly but surely, in those secret little moments, doubts and insecurities crept in. I pushed them down, thinking this was what I was 'to fight.' My pride grew, daring to think I could persevere, feeling the power of (false) independence. I could beat this inner struggle. Yet each day I felt more and more broken, dirty and inadequate. My sin was before me. In my heart, I told the Lord that He had made a mistake. How could He use me? He knows my past and sees the ugliness of my heart, why would He put me in a place that intentionally strives to further His kingdom every day? I am no warrior for that battle. Then it hit me like a wall. I am His creation. He has called me. And He doesn't make mistakes. 
     Back to the 'have to love to fight' statement. When we take a stand for the God of creation, perfect and righteous in all He does, we are told that we have an enemy. He is not one that we can see or we know how to fight on our own (Ephesians 6:12). From the moment we take a stand for Christ (as with our salvation), we are at war; war for the souls of this world, that our Heavenly Father loves and says are His. How else would an enemy fight a battle than to try to attack where he perceives the other side is weakest? Trust me when I say that I have seen every bit of my weakness rise to the surface. I quickly realized that I am inadequate. But I am not ill-equipped, nor am I alone. I need only to lay down my pride and submit (Exodus 14:14).
     I am confident of this: the enemy does not attack where he does not feel threatened. The Lord has incredible plans for this year, whether I feel worthy of playing a role in them or not. I am choosing to trust His promise that He will win in the end. His will prevails.

I ask for your continued support through prayers. I ask that He would give me peace (Philippians 4:7). The kind of peace that brings about total trust in His plan and keeps my wandering heart close to His. As this month continues, may I continue to surrender and give Him the glory for what He continues to do!

For Him alone,


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