My Story

"Here I am." That's it. This one resounding phrase will not get out of my head. Seems simple enough, but the meaning and story behind it will give you a glimpse into my story...

The Hebrew word for "Here I am," "Hineni," was used only eight times in the Bible. During each of these instances, the person answering was about to experience a turning point in which his response commenced a lifetime filled with experiencing God at work. The use of "Hineni" was always followed by action-a response to a call. Abraham, Esau, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, and Isaiah were those men chosen by God and obedient to His call. Read any of their stories and you will see why this gets me excited.

Graduating from Texas A&M in August of this year, my head is filled with emotion for what is about to take place. Gone are the papers and tests looming over my head, sorority events and t-shirts, late night Whataburger runs (ok, those might not be completely obsolete), and the rest of the unique opportunities this stage has had to offer. Knowing from the beginning that all of this was temporary, the question of "What's next?" has always been there. In a nutshell, these past few years have been packed with challenges and refinement. Over and over, the Lord has drawn me to Himself, whispering "My way is better," teaching me to trust Him evermore. That said, as a Business Management major, ministry was not exactly on the horizon. Plans changed. 

Turns out, I am deeply in love with this incredible plan God has for biblical community, or "koinonia".  
Turns out, my heart has an unquenchable thirst for the equipping and development of people (Ephesians 4:15-16). 
Turns out, I still have a lot to learn. 

This brings me to where I am today. Countless times over the past year I have been brought to my knees, blind to how He could possibly use ALL of my abilities, gifts, and passions all at once. This brings me back to "Hineni,". Looking at Moses' life, we see a unique background, a definite change of plans, and a defining moment (Exodus 3). He felt ill-equipped, but he was called. Every bit of Moses' gifts were used...and then some. His humble response: "Here I am." May these words be written on my heart.

All of this to say, I have seen the Lord's work and am choosing to join Him in it by answering His call at the Austin Stone. I will be working as a Connections Ministry intern, where I will be serving specifically at the West campus of the church. By definition, this ministry calling is "to glorify Jesus by developing leaders and creating environments that connect people to the mission and vision of the Austin Stone for our church body and the city of Austin." Bigger picture: connect people to biblical community, develop and equip them, send them out to the city and the world. I'm excited about sharing more of what God is specifically doing as the year goes on!

This is a glimpse of my heartbeat in taking this step of faith. I would love for you to walk alongside of me through this. To learn more please read about how to partner with me. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about what God has shown me to get me to this point and my vision for this next year. I ask that you would pray for me as I answer the call to be used for His kingdom.


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