Thursday, October 10, 2013

The 532

"The 532." Yes, that is our apartment number, social media hashtag, and official name for the location in which Holly Crabtree, Molly Brunson, and I live.

We love it.

And we've only lived here for a month.

Recently we celebrated our one month "friendiversary." I think they would agree, it's nearly impossible to believe we've only known each other for a month. One. Month.

 I love these two for our:
car ride sing-a-longs

...just to name a few.

As we sat in our living room, sharing our life stories with each other on the second night of living together, I knew we were setting the bar high.

I had no clue how high.

I think it might take years to comprehend it.

[Spoiler: this post is about more than these two incredible women I have the blessing of doing life with.] 

While Holly and Molly (yeah...try keeping that straight) provide me with endless joy and laughter, it's what they do not simply give me, but rather show me, that wakens my soul to things greater than human beings can ever give.

Put simply: I'm learning how God uses those around me to imitate the Gospel.

I've never been good at vulnerability. Let's really be honest here. I like to share what I think others should hear, only to the point that they still like and approve of me. There is an idol for this and thy name is APPROVAL (easily followed by Comfort, Control, and the list goes on...).

God is so big and doesn't need us, so He's pretty independent right?


In the first chapter of the first book of His Word, the persons of the Trinity are first mentioned (Genesis 1:26). Three in One. God, in Himself, represents perfect community. Completely equal and united, yet possessing great differences and fulfilling unique purposes.

Jesus went so far as to give up having a steady income, permanent home, a wife and family, and many other pleasures of life for the sake of His calling and to pour all that He had to give into the men He walked alongside of. Not to mention He put on flesh and chose to walk 33 years with those constrained by time and space, only to be nailed to a tree by the hands He had created. He loved his community with all that He had (literally). He gave His last breath for community, so that they may have life (Galatians 2:20).

This makes me think, how much do I value those around me? Based on the gospel's picture of love, how well can I say that I love the community around me?

Do I care for someone so deeply that I love them as my own soul (1 Samuel 18:1-3)?

Who would I be willing to lay my life down for (John 15:13)?

Needless to say, I'm not the biggest fan of my answers to these questions. But I can't stop there. Jesus makes it clear that we are to learn to love one another, in the same way He has loved us (John 13:34-35). He knows we can.

That's not to say that I will get it right immediately. I will never know that kind of love. But I accept the command and challenge; not out of obligation, but because of the love He's shown me and my growing love relationship with Him.

Now bring it back to my immediate community, Holly and Molly.

They have, and will see me on my good days, bad days, days of doing every dish and taking out the trash (with a smile), and those days when I throw a fit because the weather is 10 degrees too hot/cold for what I really want to wear and on top of that, people have the audacity to drive on the same street as me. Unfortunately those last days are all too common.

And they love me the same. They show me Jesus. 

Image bearers. We were created in God's image, but because of our imperfect nature, we will spend our lives learning how to mirror Him again. This community God provides each of us with is to be our greatest molding tool in this process.

No doubt we will have conflict, and it will hurt, but this can ultimately be used to grow us in ways we never have before (Proverbs 27:17). We see our ugliest tendencies come out like never before, but we also have an opportunity to face those, grow in humility, and pray for our hearts to be changed in ways they have never have before.

So that original list of what I love about these two will continue to grow. And hopefully our ability to love the Lord and others will as well.

Thank you, Jesus, for the 532.

1 comment:

  1. Let's just talk about how cool Jesus is for rooming you with swell sisters constantly pushing you to the cross, but for also revealing truths about the gospel through these awesome cats. Love seeing how Jesus is moving and grooving in a fellow Wells Project graduates life :]
